Pre-conceptual Advice
Please make an appointment with our Practice Nurse, if you are trying to conceive. She will offer you lifestyle advice to you and your partner and give you any other information that you need.
Pregnancy Tests
If you think that you are pregnant and would like confirmation of this please contact practice nurses by phone to arrange a test. You do not need to see your doctor for this test.
Ante-natal Clinic – Tuesday
Contact reception to make an appointment with our midwife if you find out you’re pregnant. She will explain about the health checks and tests you will have during your pregnancy and arrange hospital appointments for a scan and to see a hospital consultant. You will be seen regularly throughout your pregnancy either at the surgery or hospital, or both.
Child Health Clinic
Parents of new babies will be offered an appointment with a nurse and GP for their child’s first immunisations and developmental check. Appointments for further immunisations will be with practice nurse Susan Walton in the surgery clinic. These appointments will be sent to you by child health services at Chester-Le-Street. You can contact the health visiting team for general advice on 03000 269833.
Post-Natal Clinic
The GP will see you about 8 weeks after the birth of your baby, unless you have been asked to attend hospital. The GP will see you for your health check and your baby for immunisations and a developmental check.